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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's a Wrap!

So, have you hit the shops yet?  Are you a July shopper or do you love the thrill of the December pressure?  I'm pretty much done and I love the feeling of just being able to enjoy the pretty stack of gifts under the tree. not the Santa gifts of course.  Those will arrive on Christmas Eve. ;)

I have to thank this blog for helping me along in getting things done.  I'm great at buying early, but I tend to wait until the last minute to get things wrapped.  Not this year!

I'm here to share with you some wrapping inspiration from Pinterest, as well as some of the gifts I've wrapped.

To me, the prettiest gifts are the simple ones.  I like brown craft paper, some festive ribbons, and hand written tags.

Add a little accent with a bell or a flower, and voila, your item just became a memorable little gem.

This year, I added a little phrase from a Christmas carol to hint at what's inside.  It was really fun coming up with a lyric for each package. What do you think's in this one?

What about this one??

A pile of prettily wrapped packages makes we oh so happy!

Here's a couple Pinterest ideas to get you rolling, I mean, wrapping!

I love the use of buttons on these.  Very cute!

button gift wrap

Someone in my house would love these edible wrapping accessories...

Christmas gift wrap

Threading the ribbon through the tag?  I love this!  It's like a belt for your present!

Christmas gift wrap

Or how about using an old wool sock or sweater?  Very cool.
Cozy Christmas Gift Wrap

Tomorrow I'll be sharing a new Fashion Fun post so be sure to check back!


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