
Monday, October 22, 2012

Home Binder - Part V - Holidays

Welcome back everyone!  Hope you had a restful weekend! We had a blast at the Halloween Party Saturday night.  I promise to post some pics later this week...

Today I'm sharing one of my favorite sections of my home binder, "Holidays"!  As a kid, I have fond memories of baking cookies, decorating, and doing holiday themed activities.  I guess that's why I became an elementary school teacher!

If you're just joining us, start here to get your binder set-up.  Last week's posts will walk you through how to get your "Calendar", "Meal Planning", and "Finance" sections up and running as well.

 Once again, the printables I use for this section come from Clean Mama Printables Etsy Shop.  I have to give Becky a HUGE thank you for giving all of you a promo code for 20% off (20NESTYOURBEST) and also, for pinning my home binder to her Pinterest page.

If you are here because Clean Mama pinned me, I am thrilled!  You have no idea how exciting it is to see how many page views I've had since last week!  I'd love it if you became a follower.  Think of us as one big family, just trying to keep it organized and pretty!

Okay.  Now to the post I promised...:)

This is a slightly askew picture of the Halloween planning page.  Each holiday gets a devoted page (or two!) in my binder for planning.  On this page, I plan my tablescape for meals, parties I'm hosting, food options, guest lists, and other decorations.  This is a fantastic way to see what you did last year and repeat what you liked, but also add something fresh.

I usually print 2 per holiday so I can make a brainstorming rough draft of ideas and then a pretty one when things are finalized.  You know I love my pretty!

50% OFF - The Holiday and Special Occasions Planning Kit - 16 documents
Clean Mama Printables Etsy Shop

I have a slightly bigger Christmas section because any momma knows it takes a lot of prep work and organization to pull it off.  On these pages I track gift lists, shopping lists, traditions we want to remember to fit in, things I need to make/bake.  I also have a blank December calendar in here to plan out meals for house guests, events, and all the other craziness fun the season brings.

I'm a big fan of making and/or baking as much as I can ahead of time.  This sheet helps me do just that.

I also keep a list of who I sent a Christmas card to last year.  It helps jump start my current year's list.

If you bought dividers with pockets, this is a great place to stash holiday recipes or decor ideas you've pulled from magazines.

The "Holiday" section.  Not a section you will see in most home binders, but I couldn't live without mine!

Tomorrow I'll be sharing a sweet little hostess gift I brought to the costume party.  If you're in need of a great gift idea, you don't want to miss this one!


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