
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday Tribute! - Baskets

In this awesome world full of inventions, ideas, and creativity there are so many amazing things to love! Hello?  How much do we love Pinterest?!?  However, there are some things that I couldn't live without, either for the organizational function or simply because they make me smile.  And so, a tribute, one good thing at a time.

Today's Tuesday Tribute is to baskets.  We all have them.  In the living room holding your magazines.  In the bathroom, corralling the tp.  From where I'm sitting right now, I count 9 baskets.  NINE!  And there are even more hidden in drawers and behind cabinet doors!

What makes them fab:
  • they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes - itty bittys for your itty bittys, large and lidded for tucking away seasonal decor.
  • they are reusable - display pretty ornaments during the holidays and picture books later.
  • they make the ordinary look extraordinary - I have two his and her baskets on our bathroom counter to hold the necessary (but not so pretty) upkeep item like deodorant and retainers (yes,  I still wear my retainers).
  • they can be modified - paint them, label them, thread a pretty ribbon through the weaves!  I painted a set of square baksets for my son's nursery with the same paint color we used on the walls.  Way easier than hunting around town for the perfect color bin...and probably cheaper too.  Score!
  • they add texture - any room, it doesn't matter how beautiful it is, looks better with a natural fiber thrown in the mix. It adds dimension and warmth.

So there you have it.  My ode to baskets.  I'm such a sucker for them.  I have a stash in my basement just waiting to be put to work. Hmmm.  Maybe they'll find a home in my stockpile pantry project...guess we'll see in the coming weeks!

What's the best way you've ever used a basket?  Is there a certain shape you can't resist?  I'm always eager to learn new ways to use my numero uno go to organizational tool!

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