
Monday, January 2, 2012

Imperfectly New

Well.  I wasn't going to start posting stuff until my blog looked perfect, but if I actually waited for that, my son would be grown and I'd be on my 15th paint color in the kitchen!  I guess that is why my New Year's Resolution is to be happy with less than perfect.  Not settling, but feeling okay with putting the behind the scenes out there.

I was a dancer, and part of being a great dancer is not letting the work show.  Smile, make every move look effortless.  Don't let the audience see how hard that 4th pirouette was.  This is something I've tried to apply to every area of my life, and it's a good thing sometimes.  Sometimes.  Other times, it keeps me from trying anything new.  And that's what I need in my life right now.  Something new.  Don't get me wrong.  My two-year old brings new energy and life to me daily, but I need something that is just mine.  A place where I can share my baking triumphs (and failures), get feedback on a new fabric, and record the ongoing project that is my home.

I so love seeing how others organize, decorate, parent, and live.  Checking my fav blogs is a much needed daily break.  I always walk away feeling inspired, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle that pile of paperwork upstairs...maybe.  That's what I want to do for someone else.  If my ramblings inspire just one person, than I've paid it forward.  So, my blog isn't perfect.  Pictures aren't posted.  The beautiful title banner I have in my head (and have absolutely no idea how to create) isn't up yet.  But you know what?  That's okay.  Because Sara 2012 doesn't care about being perfect.  (last time I post in 3rd person...promise.)

Anyone else have perfectionist issues?  What changes are you making for the New Year?  Anyone know how to make a cute header? :)

Happy New Year!

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