
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Little!

Happy Birthday Little Man!  

I cannot believe you are 4.  It seems like only yesterday you were crawling around and learning how to feed yourself puffs.  Now, you eat 3 full meals a day and about 3 more full size snacks!  You are growing like a weed and making it hard for momma to keep you in shoes and pants!

Daddy and I could not be prouder of you.  You live life to the fullest and do everything with joy.  You love everyone you meet and never hesitate to show us how much you love us with special drawings, cards, and rocks  you've collected.

You are smart as can be.  You amaze me everyday with what you know about meteors and power lines, and sea creatures.  When you are fascinated about something, you want to know "everything about it".  I love that about you.  You stump me with your questions, but I love your curiosity.  You and George would be the best of pals. ;)

You're an amazing artist.  You love to cut and glue and use markers till your hands are multi-colored.  I wonder where that comes from?  I can't wait to see what you do with all of your talents.

We really thought you'd have a sibling by now, but you know what?  God's given us a little extra time with just you, and how special this time has been.  We've been to movies together.  Sampled cake pops, walked on the beach, flown in an airplane, gone to the zoo, picked apples, and pumpkins, and flowers. Watched you experience your first day of school and hit your first baseball, and eat a lemon all the way to the peel. Yuck!  We wouldn't trade this time for anything.

And if our little family stays only three, you, my love, are enough.  More than enough.  Just right.

Little, we love you so much!  Although I end every day exhausted, I also end every day happy God gave me the opportunity to be your mom.  Keep asking questions, keep growing, keep exploring, keep drawing, and never let anyone or anything hide your light.

  Mommy and Daddy

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