
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Table 2013

If you popped in to check out my Easter mantle from yesterday, you know the name of the game this year is 'simple'.  After a big birthday party and a trip to Disney, I kept the table as low-key as possible.

I pulled out my swag of burlap again to be the runner.  I wonder if I'll ever tire of this thing?!

Then, I added a white pitcher from my collection, popped in some botanicals from Target, plunked my cute Target bunnies down and scattered my Kroger eggs about.

Hopefully it looks a lot better than it sounds!

What have you been putting up for Easter?  Has it warmed up where you are?

I just love this time of year.  Get your white shorts and sandals ready girls!


1 comment:

  1. So cute! I love that i's simple and sweet. I love this time of year too. I bought some colored denim last week - finally decided to take that trend leap. And, being dressed so colorful in this nice weather has definitely got me in the spring and Easter spirit.
