
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Tree 2012

If you're joining us from Honey We're Home, thanks for coming!

You can't have Christmas without the tree.  This year was a new challenge for me as I've completely changed the color scheme of my house since last Christmas.  

It's amazing to think that last year, red, black, and silver fit in perfectly with our red sofa and black and white window treatments.  What a difference a year makes!

 This year, I wasn't entirely sure what direction I was headed.  I just knew I wanted silver, gold, and brown. A walk around Michael's gave me more direction when I stumbled upon some cute ribbon.  A rustic chic tree was born!

I reused some of what I had from last year.  These silver starts have always been some of my favorites, along with the giant one for the top of the tree (which fell off one year and hit me in the head...).  The little weathered tree ornament was $1 at Target.  I bought a few of those and a few reindeer in the same patina.

We have a few gifted ornaments we add to the tree and we get Little Man a new one every year.  This year's addition, a stegosaurus. It's fun to look back at each year's choice and remember what stage he was in.

The plaid ribbon was my Michael's find.  I had no idea I would go in the "Christmas Plaid" direction, but it spoke to me, so I listened.  I love the warmth and pattern it brings to the whole space.

The glitzy brown ornaments were part of pack of mini ornaments I bought for accents around the house.  Target, of course!

This burlap and brown ribbon is one of my favorite parts of the tree this year.  It definitely gives off the rustic feel I wanted, right next to the sparkly gold and silver ornaments.

I like to use a variety of sizes for ball ornaments.  I think it gives a tree so much dimension and interest.  I hadn't planned on red, but the plaid ribbon called for a little pop of red throughout the branches.

We also have a little tree in our dining room.

 (Don't tell, but I have a third tree I haven't set up yet.  It's for our master bedroom.  One day, when my sitting area is the way I want it, I plan to have fun decorating a tree up there. Maybe themed ornaments?  Shoes?  Kiddie creations?)

This is really not a good pic of the dining room tree.  It looks like I just threw a strand of lights right in the middle of it!  I'm going to have click on that "How to Photograph Your Tree" tutorial on Pinterest afterall!

I just hung little brown and gold ornaments and used the last bit of plaid ribbon to create a little swirl on top.
Clearly I haven't put the skirt around it yet.  I'm trying to make one out of burlap...

Well, there you have it.  Our new and, hopefully improved, tree.

Have you decked your tree out yet?  Do you fill yours with collected over time ornaments or do you like to have a themed look?

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