
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

While We're Talking Lamps...

I have been hitting the lamp jackpot lately!  Recently I shared this fun Goodwill makeover.  Well, on my last Goodwill run, I found this little guy.  Shade and all...$9.90.  What?!  Of course it came home with me.  First of all, I don't know why it was in Goodwill.  It is sheer awesomeness!
It's a rustic looking urn with some metallic highlights.  The best part, it's very light weight.  It looks like a heavy garden planter, but it was very easy to transport.  I just can't get over how awesome it is.  I knew I had to have it.  Then I had to figure out where to put him.
For right now, he's living in the dining room, on the wall that passes into the kitchen.  This is the first focal point when you enter our front door.  And I don't think it's a bad one!
I finally found a great spot to hang my beloved dragonfly and bee artwork.  They've been hiding in the laundry room and they needed to come meet everyone!  I found the cute little knots at Target.  The silver tray and spoon are an antique wedding gift.

Aside from the poor placement of the light switch (thank you Mr. Builder) I think this little corner is shaping up nicely.